
Josh Bystrom Surf Gallery, May 2024

We’re now well and truly in the “peak surf season” in Fiji, despite the fact that this year feels like it’s been one continuous peak season. There’s definitely an energy in the water this month and Josh Bystrom, our resident photographer for the next few weeks and managed to fire off the below report…

Tuesday, 21 May started off at Cloudbreak. Winds were moderate from the north early creating less than ideal conditions with wind and chop up the face. After about an hour the winds completely stopped and Cloudy turned on, consistently delivering its famous world-class rides. It was the perfect size with wave after wave unloading on the ledge and little to no wash-throughs.

At the same time, Lefts was doing its best Cloudbreak impersonation (see picture of sam dropping in) with double to triple-overhead clean waves coming through. Wilkes, Pools even mini pools was churning out barrels with a skeleton crew around. Just an incredible day of waves.

Guests are hyped and the forecast says more on the way this Friday.

Words and images by Josh Bystrom.

Ben Wilson on a Namotu ski with a fresh board from Emery
ben wilson cloudbreak riding emery surfboard
Ben Wilson positioned to perfection
Ben again, always clinical at Cloudy
Justin Ringsby, Namotu guest
Cloudbreak, empty
Lefts impersonating Cloudbreak
Sam likes what he sees at Lefts
And here he is moments later
namotu island tiny pacific island fiji with waves around it
All breaks firing around the Island
Love Shacks sending its siren call
waves peeling blue water
It almost looks makable…
peeling a frame wave fiji
Wilkes till dark
man on boat with rainbow in background over water
Nevote packing it up for the day