
Planning Surf Trips To Fiji

Although Fiji is a tropical paradise and one of the top surfing destinations in the world, that doesn't mean the surfing is the same year-round. Seasonal fluctuations in barometric pressure and ocean currents create quite different swells depending on the time of year that you visit.

Use these tips when planning surf trips to Fiji to make sure you're visiting when the waves you want will be at their finest.

Four Seasons Of Fun, Two Seasons Of Surf

Contrary to what you may think, Fiji does see four distinct seasons of weather. The climate is cooler and drier from April through October and warmer and more humid from November through March. Year-round, you can expect air temperatures in the mid-70's to mid-80's, with water temperatures around the same. Warm conditions and trade winds mean you can surf all year, but slight changes in climate conditions break surfing season into two distinct halves.

Wet Season Surf Trips In Fiji

The spring and summer surfing season typically runs from November through April, with December through February seeing the best north swells. This is the wettest, most "tropical" time of year with hot days and afternoon showers. Winds are from the north, creating many glassy days, light winds and smaller swells, but it is also tropical storm and cyclone season, which can produce some excellent surfing opportunities. In general, the wet season sees smaller waves and is the prime season for clean surf. It's also the least crowded so if you're looking to have the water to yourself, plan surf trips in Fiji for this time of year.

Dry Season Surfing

Fall and winter are the best times to plan surf trips to Fiji if you're a serious surfer. From May through October the drier weather and low atmospheric pressure in the south create south/southwest swells that can reach 10 feet or more. These south swells are greatest from March through November, but have been known to show up all year round.

The trade winds cycle on and off during this time, delivering strong swells for a few weeks, then backing off for a week or so before returning, but that doesn't usually affect the surfing too much. There's always a spot where you can find some waves to ride.

Overall, if you're searching for strong swells and challenging surf conditions, plan your surf trips to Fiji for the winter season. If you're more interested in a relaxing tropical vacation and easier surfing, make plans for a summer getaway.

To book your surfing vacation, contact Namotu Island Resort, Fiji's premier surf resort.